“a love affair”

Picture 2I’ve had a Billykirk bag bookmarked for about 2 years, as one of those bags I will have “when I am grown”. When I have more money than a waitress makes, when I have more important things to carry in my bag, when I have a nice pen… Those totally conditional adult markers in your life. Watching this incredibly beautiful video of Chris and Kirk Bray only further confirmed that it is something worth waiting for. xo


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3 responses to ““a love affair”

  1. Carlynn

    Oh. My. God.
    I don’t care what you say. Today, particularly, is still Must-have Monday in my mind, as in I MUST have that bag. In black. So we won’t look too matchy-matchy haha. I know what you mean about the ‘grown up’ bag though. Mine is a briefcase carried by one of my favourite French profs. Everything about her said ‘I just left the 7th arrondissement’ including her vintage leather briefcase. Though not as sexy as billykirk, roots makes one that would suffice should I grow desperate to feel grown and sophisticated.

  2. I mean, not only are the bags awesomeness, but the tone of the video packs that extra aspirational punch- in much the same way as the Steven Alan short that’s been circulating or this denim video I was alerted to at putthison.com:

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